Monday, 3 September 2012

Some Pretty Visitors

The heat today was unexpected.  Watching the weather forecast last night .... well, wrong again.  Temperatures were 5 or 6 degrees higher than that.  On my way to work, I noticed hundreds of gulls swirling around high in the sky catching the flying ants which had presumably hatched as a result of the heat and humidity.

It was so nice to have a couple of pretty visitors to the garden today.

A red admiral butterfly attracted to the last few buddleia flowers.

A humming bird hawk moth taking nectar from white phlox flowers.

Sad, though, that even three years ago, we were seeing dozens of butterflies and other insects in the garden.  This year, thanks to the prolonged rain in June and July, there's been hardly anything.

#amwriting.  Well, yes, surprisingly.  I don't find much time to do so, but I'm on Chapter 3 of my historical mystery, yet to be named, and the characters and ideas are coming through.  It'll be Dorset based, which will mean visiting a few places for inspiration.  Wimborne will feature at some stage.  It's one of those olde worlde village type places (in places), with the Minster and traditional thatches near the centre.

The Corn Market, Wimborne

I also need to continue working on my plants book, non-fiction of course, but my motivation on this one has waned given the poor summer we've had.

#amreading.  Again, a surprise.  I find I only now read on holiday, but Deep Storm by Lincoln Child is enjoyable and needs to be finished!  It also made me feel a bit better about my own lack of reviews on Amazon when I saw that Mr Child has only received 9 for Deep Storm.  Next up - well, I think I need to stay with this author, he's paired up with Douglas Preston a few times and I fancy 'Riptide' next.